1/29 Fitzroy Street St Kilda, VIC 3182

Get in touch with us

Feedback is always welcome, and if you have any queries please send them through

Address Location

1/29 Fitzroy Street St Kilda, VIC 3182

Open Time

Wednesday: 3pm - 11pm
Thursday: 11am - 1am
Friday to Sunday: 11am - 3am
Monday & Tuesday Closed

Phone Number

03 7067 7600


    Akwaaba means ‘Welcome’ in the Twi language of the Akan people in Ghana & it embodies the intrinsic warmth and hospitality of the country.

    Akwaaba means ‘Welcome’ in the Twi language of the Akan people in Ghana & it embodies the intrinsic warmth and hospitality of the country.

    1/29 Fitzroy Street St Kilda, VIC 3182
    Wednesday: 3pm - 11pm
    Thursday: 11am - 1am
    Fri to Sun: 11am - 3am
    Monday & Tuesday: Closed

    Copyright @ 2024 AKWAABA – All Rights Reserved
    Designed and Developed by Sharp Net Design

    Copyright @ 2024 AKWAABA  Designed and Developed by Sharp Net Design